How did studying at SOAS result in me spending three years and counting in Thai prisons?

By Ben Murtagh|March 29, 2016|SEA Careers, SOAS Students, Year Abroad|2 comments

My first thought upon stepping inside the Central Prison of one of Thailand’s troubled Deep South provinces, was to question how I had ended up there. Which were the choices that had led me from a SOAS classroom studying BA Thai and Development Studies to standing there, my sparsely thatched head baking in the hot sun, blinking at the light as I stooped to step from the gloomy antechamber, through

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From an MA at SOAS to a Career at Cornell

By Ben Murtagh|February 12, 2016|SEA Careers, SOAS Students|0 comments

Dr Chiara Formichi  completed her MA in South East Asian Studies at SOAS back in 2005. She then continued at SOAS to write her doctoral thesis in the Department of History.  After holding positions in Singapore (post-doctoral fellow at the Asia Research Institute), Leiden (research fellow at the KITLV), and at the City University of Hong Kong, Dr Formichi is now Assist. Prof. in Southeast Asian Studies at Cornell University. Her monograph

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A Career in Travel and Journalism in Vietnam

By Ben Murtagh|December 29, 2015|SEA Careers, SOAS Students|0 comments

Joshua Zukas has a BA degree in Linguistics and South East Asian Studies from SOAS. He now lives and works in Hanoi (Vietnam) where he runs a website called   I was initially drawn to Vietnam not only for its severe beauty and engaging history, but also for its incredible dynamism and the vast array of opportunities the country has to offer. I studied Linguistics and Southeast Asian studies at SOAS

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