When Music, Truly, Is Unbound: By Kunal Purohit

By Kunal Purohit|December 11, 2017|Caste, General, India, Literature, Pakistan, Politics, Religion, SSAI|0 comments

Music and poetry transcend boundaries of time, of space, of culture. This is known. But, not often does a 15th century Kabir effortlessly flow into a 20th century John Lennon creation. Or that you find, in Leonard Cohen’s work, the echoes of Asian poets from the 17th and 13th centuries. Similarly, when injustices of caste and class even in the United Kingdom find articulation in the works of Dalit poets. This, then, is when music, truly,

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‘The Relevance of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar – Today and Tomorrow’ by Professor David Mosse

By Shreya Sinha|May 23, 2016|Caste, General, India|0 comments

David Mosse is Professor of Social Anthropology and Head of the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at SOAS. His research combines interests in the anthropology of development and activism, environmental history and natural resources management, in the anthropology of Christianity, South Asian society and popular religion. Professor David Mosse was invited to give a number of speeches for the celebration of the 125th  birth anniversary of Dr Ambedkar in Nagpur on

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“Caste – out of the shadows” – Conference: Make a statement!

By Sana Shah|August 5, 2015|Caste, Development, Gender, General, India, SSAI|0 comments

The SOAS South Asia Institute in cooperation with a group of NGOs is hosting a conference on the theme of caste to be held at SOAS on the 5th September 2015. Make a statement! The ‘Out of the Shadows’ conference aims to engage people from a range of development organisations in a debate on the significance of caste to poverty and development in the contemporary world.