Talk Radio News Service: “India Completes World’s Largest Democratic Election”, 16.05.2014 – Interview with Gurharpal Singh,

By Gurharpal Singh|May 19, 2014|Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Evaluation & Results Analysis|

“I think we will see a major transformation in India’s foreign policy with this government,” Singh said. “It will be more assertive, more directly promoting India’s interest, and it will be interventionist.” Link to the article and the recorded interview:

Indian election 2014: Domestic economic constraints and the external impacts of the world’s greatest exercise of democracy by Lawrence Saez and Elena Hoyos Ramirez

By Lawrence Saez |April 22, 2014|Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Corruption, Economy, Foreign Policy, Indian National Congress (INC), Opinion Polls|

Starting in 7 April and continuing for five weeks, Indians are casting their votes to elect the representatives to the 16th Lok Sabha, India’s lower house of parliament.  Early voter sampling suggests that this general election may be one of the most atypical elections in India’s political history given the high number of young, first time voters.  Such voters are demanding a change amidst the inability of the Congress Party-led

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