Ancient Near East, Semitics and Judaica – November 2012

By Emma Wilson-Shaw|December 4, 2012|Ancient Near East, Semitics and Judaica|0 comments

Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations The Sumerian poem Enmerkar and En-suhkes-ana:  epic, play, stage craft at the turn from the third to the second millennium B.C., with a score-edition and a translation of the text / by Claus Wilcke Mangiare divinamente : pratiche e simbologie alimentari nell’antico Oriente / a cura di Lucio Milano. Altorientalische Studien zu Ehren von Pascal Attinger : mu-ni u4 ul-li2-a-as ga2-ga2-de3 / herausgegeben von Catherine Mittermayer

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