UK Data Service Training
The following free webinars are being provided by the UK Data Service in October/November 2015:
- Webinar: Introduction to the UK Data Service – 6 October 2015, 3pm
- Webinar: Key data: International macrodata – 8 October 2015, 2pm
- Webinar: Finding and accessing data in the UK Data Service – 14 October 2015, 3pm
- Webinar: Getting started with secondary data – 22 October 2015, 3pm
- Online seminar: Data sources for research students – 28 October 2015, 3pm
- Webinar: Data management basics – 5 November 2015, 3pm
- Webinar: Key data: Qualitative and mixed methods data – 11 November 2015, 3pm
12 October 2015, 2 – 5pm, Roscoe Building, University of Manchester
Course leader: Fernando Morente
Researchers, practitioners, teachers and students interested in statistics across Europe are invited to attend a free introductory workshop to better understand how to access and use data from Eurostat. Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. Its task is to provide EU institutions and Member States with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Today Eurostat offers a range of important and interesting data available to researchers and teachers, governments, businesses, journalists and the public.
This half-day, hands-on workshop will cover:
What is Eurostat?
- Roles
- Extraction
- Dissemination
Other important aspects and services
- Metadata
- Classifications / national classifications and international
- Microdata
Publications and data visualization programs
- User Help
The course is free to attend and open to all but places are limited so booking is essential. Please book a place, using the University of Essex booking system, at
Workshop: Analysing migration flows using the IMAGE studio workshop
19 – 20 November 2015, School of Geography, University of Leeds
This international workshop aims to provide hands on training in the use of the IMAGE Studio. The IMAGE Studio is a bespoke software system that has been developed for the analysis of internal migration data, focusing specifically on matrices of origin-destination migration flows. The Studio was created as part of the IMAGE project, an international collaborative research program funded by the Australian Research Council, which aimed to develop a robust framework for comparing internal migration between countries around the world.
- a suite of standard statistical indicators of internal migration capturing migration intensity, impact on the settlement system, distance and inter-regional connectivity
- a spatial interaction model that measures the friction of distance
- a facility to generate flexible geographies to address key methodological issues including the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP)
The IMAGE Studio has been used to make comparisons of internal migration in a large number of countries, and is now being made available as a new resource to the academic community worldwide. Possible applications include:
- computing robust measures of migration for individual countries, or groups of countries
- comparing migration among sub-populations (e.g. by age or ethnicity) within a country
- exploring the impacts of scale and zonation on migration measures (the MAUP)
This workshop will provide:
- An overview of the IMAGE project including the Inventory and Repository
- A systematic explanation of the structure of the Studio and its data requirements
- Advice on running the Studio and a guide to its options
- A review of UK Census origin-destination migration flow data available, its online access and its analysis using the Studio
Participants are encouraged to bring their own migration data to the workshop for use with the Studio. The workshop is free to attend but places are limited so booking is required. Please book a place at