South East Asia and Pacific – April 2012
- Asia Pacific World – Vol.1 (2010) onwards.
- Poverty and global recession in Southeast Asia / edited by Aris Ananta and Richard Barichello.
- Governance in Pacific Asia : political economy and development from Japan to Burma / Peter Ferdinand.
- Film in contemporary Southeast Asia / edited by David C. L. Lim and Hiroyuki Yamamoto.
- Khmer bronzes : new interpretations of the past / Emma C. Bunker and Douglas Latchford.
- Manuel d’indonésien. vol. 1, L’Indonésie au quotidien / Jérôme Samuel, Saraswati Wardhany.
- Sitti Nurbaya : a love unrealized / Marah Rusli ; translated by George A. Fowler.
- Corruption and law in Indonesia / Simon Butt.
- An economic history of Indonesia, 1800-2010 / Jan Luiten van Zanden and Daan Marks.
- Equality under construction : Malaysian women’s human rights report 2010/11.
- The headman was a woman : the gender egalitarian Batek of Malaysia / Kirk M. Endicott, Karen L. Endicott.
- Readings from readings : new Malaysian writing / [edited by Bernice Chauly & Sharon Bakar].
- Ethnicization and identity construction in Malaysia / Frederik Holst.
- The Mon over two millennia : monuments, manuscripts, movements / edited by Patrick McCormick, Mathias Jenny, and Chris Baker.
- Sacred sites of Burma : myth and folkore in an evolving spiritual realm / Donald M. Stadtner ; photography by Paisarn Piemmattawat & Donald M. Stadner.
- A history of Myanmar since ancient times : traditions and transformations / Michael and Maitrii Aung-Thwin.
- Where China meets India : Burma and the new crossroads of Asia / Thant Myint-U.
- In the name of Pauk-Phaw : Myanmar’s China policy since 1948 / Maung Aung Myoe.
- Breakthrough : roadmap for Singapore’s political future / Derek da Cunha.
- Bangkok May 2010 : perspectives on a divided Thailand / ed. by Michael J. Montesano, Pavin Chachavalpongpun, Aekapol Chongvilaivan.
- Nirvana for sale? : Buddhism, wealth, and the Dhammakāya Temple in contemporary Thailand / Rachelle M. Scott.
- Buddhist fury : religion and violence in southern Thailand / Michael K. Jerryson.
- Ancient Vietnam : history, art and archaeology / Anne-Valérie Schweyer.
- Lục xì : prostitution and venereal disease in colonial Hanoi / by Vũ Trọng Phụng ; translated, with an introduction, by Shaun Kingsley Malarney.
- Performing the divine : mediums, markets and modernity in urban Vietnam / by Kirsten W. Endres.
- Globalization, labor export and resistance : a study of Filipino migrant domestic workers in global cities / Ligaya Lindio-McGovern.