Our Work – Publication by Professor Deniz Kandiyoti

By Akanksha Mehta|January 15, 2016|Faculty, Our Work, Publications|0 comments

CGS affiliate Professor Deniz Kandiyoti’s latest article – The fateful marriage: political violence and violence against women The fateful marriage: political violence and violence against women DENIZ KANDIYOTI 25 January 2016 Pervasive and diverse, instances of violence against women can only be fully comprehended in the political contexts that give them purpose and meaning. In November 2015, a conference was held in Istanbul to celebrate the 25th year of the Women’s

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Our Work – Publication by PhD candidate Akanksha Mehta

By Akanksha Mehta|December 17, 2015|Our Work, PhD Students, Publications|0 comments

PhD candidate Akanksha Mehta wrote an article titled, The aesthetics of “everyday” violence: narratives of violence and Hindu right-wing women, for a special issue of Critical Studies of Terrorism on Everyday Violence. Access it here.  Abstract “Right-wing” movements see significant participation by women who espouse their exclusionary and violent politics while at the same time often contest their patriarchal spaces. Women also serve as discursive and symbolic markers that regularly form the basis of

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