El Trompo de Esteban Guadalupe, Yoloxóchitl, Guerrero

Last week on the ELAR blog, we shared this film which was created by Chouette Films from documentation from the ‘Yoloxochitl, Guerrero, Mexico Mixtec stories and other oral traditions‘ deposit at ELAR, deposited by ELDP grantee Jonathan D. Amith.

This week on the blog, Jonathan is sharing footage from his documentation fieldwork:


On this film, Jonathan writes:

Esteban Guadalupe Sierra, de Yoloxóchitl, Guerrero, un hablante del mixteco de esta comunidad, le explica y le enseña a sus hijos como hacer un trompo de madera. Él usa la madera del ‘cuaulote’ (Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.) una madera blanda que facilita el tallado del trompo.

Esteban Guadalupe Sierra of Yoloxóchitl, Guerrero, a community speaker of Mixteco, explains and teaches his sons how to make a wooden spinning top. He uses the wood from cuaulote (Guazuma ulmifolia Lam), which is a soft wood which lends itself well to carving spinning tops. 

Thank you to Jonathan and the speakers for sharing!

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