Navigating a Multifaceted Predicament: Egypt’s Media Discourse in the Face of Gaza Conflict, Presidential Elections, and Public Anger

By Dounia Mahlouly|March 30, 2024|Media spectacle and crisis, Students, The Middle East, Uncategorized|0 comments

Author: Nada Kabbary, Media Researcher and Chevening Scholar @ King’s College, Digital Humanities Amidst a substantial economic crisis and preparations for a presidential election scheduled for December 2023, the Egyptian state was primarily focused on cultivating a favourable image of its primary candidate while suppressing potential contenders that posed a threat to its power. This strategic manoeuvre aimed to facilitate President El-Sisi’s pursuit of a third term in office. However,

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Media MA student reflects on media spectacle and crisis

By Dina Matar|March 21, 2021|Media spectacle and crisis|0 comments

BY Cassia McAreavey, MA Global Media and Communication In this era of rapid technological advancement, critical commentaries from as little as five years ago quickly lose relevance. It’s not surprising, we are in a period of constant updates. But Susan Sontag’s “The Imagination of Disaster” (1965) is among the few exceptions. While written over fifty years ago, it is one work that has but gained in significance and applicability in

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