Archives & Special Collections Open Day 2017

By Special Collections, SOAS Library|20th November 2017|Collections & Research, Teaching & Learning|0 comments

“Amazing! Diaries, photos, maps, SOAS history – absolutely wonderful!”

“The range of material is a real testament to the collections SOAS holds”

“Useful to see the range of the collection so I can promote it when training students and speaking to staff”

“I have a far less abstract idea of the archives and special collections now and feel increased confidence in visiting”

Just some of the great feedback from our latest Archives & Special Collections Open Day, which took place on 15th November in the Special Collections Reading Room. Over 70 people visited from across the School throughout the day, including students and staff. Participants were free to browse an extensive display of material from our collections of archives, manuscripts, rare books, maps and other visual material put together by the team, as well as taking part in behind-the-scenes tours of our archive stores. There was also an opportunity to question staff about archives generally and individual research interests.

The aim of our Open Days is primarily to raise awareness of the Library’s Archives & Special Collections within the SOAS community; to illustrate the incredible breadth of material in the collections and their research potential; to encourage our students to come and use the materials in their own research; and to enable access by fostering an understanding of how we work and how people can come and use the material themselves.

Here are some images from the day. Thanks to those who agreed to have their photographs taken!


For queries on our collections, how to access material and advice on research methods, please feel free to contact us. Details of opening hours for the Special Collections Reading Room and services offered by the department are also available on our web pages.

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About Special Collections, SOAS Library

Broadly speaking, our collections reflect the British interaction with Africa, Asia and the Middle East over the last 250 years, and include archives of missionary societies, NGOs and campaign groups, and business organisations, as well as papers of individuals, including diplomats, campaigners, and academics. If you have any questions, or comments, please get in touch! email: tel: +44 (0)20 7898 4180

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